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Births and Obituaries

Births and Obituaries image

MINDCAF, just like everywhere else, is a living institution with some stability and sustainability over time.

         One way of creating a stable, liveable place in an institution is to socialise with each one another and actively adapt to our environment. Staff who adhere to this approach make both membership and the community strong entities in their way of operating within the structure. At MINDCAF, staff are directly encouraged to create a pleasant and warm atmosphere. Staff adherence goes in line with the Ministry's principles and operating methods, and willingly complies with both the requirement to take ownership of the space and participate in the collective life of the institution under the supervision of the high hierarchy. However, performance is also essential, as it contributes to the effectiveness of a strong and existential management style. The Mindcaf’s ‘‘Birth announcement column’’ is the result of this collection of happy events.

         Institutions are not immune from profound sadness, sickness, accidents and even deaths. It is obvious that MINDCAF is also sometimes confronted with this painful truth. Living together as we can imagine, is sometimes undermined during these sad moments.  Notwithstanding these hard times, alternative measures are taken such as providing assistance, support, logistics support, comfort and the action of the top management in this respect which undoubtedly often helps to soothe the pain associated with the loss of a loved one.

Nick Didace BEKEAKEN

Executive staff/CELCOM


Published the: Aug. 21, 2024
in Life at MINDCAF