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Associative life has always been at the heart of professional activities at the Ministry of State Property, Surveys and Land Tenure. Therefore, the institution has a number of specialised services responsible for activities related to the associative life. On the one hand, we have the Gender Focal Team which is entirely made up of women from the Ministry. It is headed by a chairlady who acts as the custodian of this specialised body. The Gender Focal Team is in charge of activities that are strictly devoted to women, namely the ‘‘ IWD’’. During the event, women organise a cultural week prior to 8 March, with several sub-activities, including round tables, an exhibition match and a gastronomic day. On the other hand, the Social Affairs Service, which interacts with the staff delegate under the logistical supervision of the Department of General Affairs, is responsible for events such as Labour Day (1st May), and a several other in-house events.