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MINDCAF moves to a new level

In line with the instructions of the Head of this Ministry, Henri Eyebe Ayissi, who is perfectly bilingual, the staff celebrated the national bilingualism week with much enthusiasm

It all started on Saturday, 1 February with a very successful fitness walk. The event was followed by a series of quizzes, including language tests featuring dictations, reading comprehension and other question-and-answer exercises.

The event reached a climax on 7 February at the MINDCAF Conference Hall, where Mrs Nathalie Seppi, Personal Representative of Minister Henri Eyebe Ayissi, presided over the closing ceremony. The discussions focused on bilingualism and ways of improving this practice in the Ministry, which, under Cameroon's constitution, is an obligation and not an option. At the end of the discussions, it was demonstrated that bilingualism is a reality in MINDCAF. Prizes were awarded to those who excelled in the various quizzes. The event ended with group photographs, and we look forward to next year's edition. .

By Nick Didace Bekeaken

Published the: Feb. 15, 2025
in News