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LAND REFORM: Consultation and Maturation
The work of the interministerial Team responsible for finalising the draft bill governing land tenure and State lands in Cameroon was launched on 25 February, in the conference room of MINDCAF, situated on the third floor.
The Minister of State Property, Surveys and Land Tenure who presided over the ceremony, laid emphasis on streamlining and modernising land tenure and State lands in our country, which is plagued by complex procedures and outdated instruments. The aim is to lay down conditions for enhancing the management of the country's land assets in the interest of all.
Minister Henri Eyebe Ayissi instructed the working team to consider, in the course of its work, the following challenges: greater involvement of traditional rulers in the various procedures to access land, promotion of land use planning tools as well as the implementation of an incentive system for women, young people, customary communities and other vulnerable people.